Bangalore, INDIA info@wellnessworth.com Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 11.00pm

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Wellness Worth

Wellness Worth provides customised naturopathy diet plans to suite your requirements. We do an assessment to analyse your nutritional requirement and considering your health conditions we prepare a Naturopathy Diet plan to provide ultimate health benefit. We further alter the diet plans from time to time to maintain appropriate nutritional requirement.

We also provide exercise assistance and workout plans that are mandated by your health conditions and goals.

Acupuncture Treatments

We also provide Acupuncture treatments wherever required to aid in early health recovery.

Acupuncture is a system of complementary or alternative medicine in which fine needles are inserted through the skin at specific points called Acu-points along the energy flowing lines called as meridians, used in the treatment of various physical and mental conditions.

We believe that Acupuncture is originated in India and developed in China. But nowadays, it is believed that Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy. However, there is noted to be a significant benefit on various ill-health conditions, such as hormonal imbalances (thyroid, menstruation related issues, asthma, haemorrhoids, psoriasis, etc.).

Naturopathy Diet Plans

Through our Naturopathy Diet Plans health conditions such as diabetes type I and II, various heart diseases and cancers are benefited to maximum, so much so that such conditions do not exist after some time. It would not be wrong to say that Diabetic conditions can be reversed within just a couple of days to a maximum of 1 month depending on the durations of the illness. We provide continuous online contact monitoring (WhatsApp) to ensure safe tapering (cut down) of medication and insulin. Even the long term insulin dependents can be benefitted to attain medicine-free health.

Similarly, our customized naturopathy plans are beneficial for reversal of heart diseases by clearing blockages as well as opening collateral arteries of the heart.

Likewise, health can be restored for cancer patients also by utilizing the benefits of Naturopathy diet plans within 6 to 9 months.